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The transit cachets in the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy

  di Marco PANZA

After the constitution of the Italic Republic, some types of cachets were introduced. They identified the letters that passed through Milan or that coming from Milan and directed to the foreign countries. These cachets were also used in the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy.

Transit cachet L.I./MILANO (Lettere Italiane)

This type was in use until May 1805 and it was put on letters sent to France and to other countries under French domination. It was used in red and blue ink.

April 26th, 1805. From Brescia (Department of Mella) to Lyon (French Empire).
Tariff: weight 1/2 ounce, triple rate letter, rate 4 Soldi


Transit cachet L.I./MILANO (Lettere Italiane)

This type was in use from September 1805 until July 1811 and it was put on letters sent to France and to other countries under French domination. It was used in red and violet ink. The reference date of this cachet is 17 days before the Vollmeier’s study.

September 25th, 1805. From Bologna (Department of Reno) to Paris (French Empire). Tariff: weight 2 ounces and 5/8, eighteenth rate letter, rate 19 Soldi
Transit cachet “L.I./MILANO


May 20th, 1806. From Cesena (Department of Rubicone) to Chambéry (French Empire). Tariff: weight 6/8 of ounce, fifth rate letter, rate 6 Soldi.
Charged on delivery 8 Décimes for the French Empire transit.
Transit cachet “L.I./MILANO


Transit boxed cachet L.F./MILANO (Lettres Foraines)

In use until February 1806 and it was put on letters from abroad. It was used in black, blue and brown ink.

June 12th, 1805. From Vienna (Austrian Empire) to Lodi, near Milan (Department of Olona). Prepaid 16 Kreuzer to the Austrian Empire border.
Tariff: weight 3/8 of ounce, double rate letter, rated on arrival 6 Soldi

September 14th, 1805. From Vienna (Austrian Empire) to Lodi, near Milan (Department of Olona). Prepaid 16 Kreuzer to the Austrian Empire border. Transit cachet MILANO L.F.. Tariff: weight ½ an ounce, triple rate letter, rated on arrival 8 Soldi.
Cachet on arrival “LODI.SETe./26”.


Transit cachet MILANO/L.T. (Lettere Transito)

This cachet was in use until June 1813. Initially it was put only on letters going abroad from abroad thru Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy. Aftermath, it was put on all letters sent abroad.

October 19th, 1806. From Venice (Department of Adriatico) to dep. Bouches du Rhone (French Empire). Tariff: weight 1 ounce, seventh rate letter, rate 8 Soldi.
Charged on delivery 26 Décimes for the French Empire transit.

September 7th, 1808. From Gemona, near Udine (Department of Passariano) to Lyon (French Empire). Tariff: weight 1/4 of ounce, single rate letter sent to France, rate 12 cents.
On the front the transit cachet MILANO L.T.

Probably the letter was delivered to the civil post, where the cachet Udine di Passariano was put on the letter, with the handwritten words “ Ala Posta Militare”.

After that, the letter was sent, by military post, to the Military Office in Milan, where the letter was given to the civil post to be sent to Lyon.

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